Tuesday, July 26, 2011

An Introduction

Here at garagEconomy, I plan on exploring all those topics relating to the economy whether it be direct or indirect.  In the coming weeks and months I hope to explore topics such as what our money is, alternative forms of money and exchange, political issues such as presidential campaigns and current event hot topics (thinking debt ceiling is the biggest right now...), and maybe even some book reviews here and there.

I still have a day job so posting wont be at a great frequency at first but I hope to build up an audience over time but for now I will just write and leave most of the work up to the net community to discover my site.  I hope we can engage in a similar friendly discussion on these issues similar to a close knit neighbor gathering in someone's garage drinking a beverage of choice in layman's terms.  And with that, I will disclose that I will be me on here, I will not pander to any particular audience, the opinions I express will be my own and I hope that in time as the audience grows hopefully there will be people equally passionate about different sides of the issues commenting and discussing their view points as I am open minded and if I can learn a thing or two from all sides of an issue that would be great whether or not my final opinion is changed or not.

I hope you enjoy the site and may god bless every one who takes the time to visit and partake in this community!


1 comment:

  1. P.S. In time I hope to bring on additional guest authors to discuss topics of their choice or in response to a request for a particular topic. If you are interested please don't hesitate to contact me, if over time the site is monetized and moved to a more professional hosted medium then I may be able to bring on some staff writers but that is a dream and not necessarily a goal.
